Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Flickr Tweet, Wascally Wabbit

RT @infobunny Why does no one call me pumpkin?
Blawg Review #236, hosted by Eric Turkewitz, is a real treat. Note to @Geeklawyer and friends, who celebrated Halloween at the #brightonpissup4, "pissed" also means "angry" to a Yank.

Open Invitation, Niki Black

Who is Nicole Black, what does she do, and why are we looking forward to her hosting Blawg Review? I met Niki Black recently in New York City, where we shared at table over lunch at a social media conference at the Harvard Club. If ever you get the chance to meet Niki Black in person, not just on Twitter @nikiblack, you'll be glad you did. Niki is one of the most caring, sharing, lawyers you'll ever have the pleasure to meet.

Nicole Black really has her stuff together; in a future law dictionary with the definition of "work-life balance" you might find her photo, with this pull-quote:
I find the balance between my various endeavors to be perfect. I no longer experience a sense of dread when I think about where my professional career is leading me. I feel passion every day for the issues that occupy my thoughts as a result of my chosen career path.

As I re-read the previous paragraph, I realize just how lucky I am. Each day is an adventure--and one that I welcome. You can't get much better than that now, can you?
Well, Niki, you have yet to host Blawg Review!

Blawg Review Hosts @Twitter

You can follow many of the hosts of Blawg Review on Twitter.

Evan Schaeffer @eshaeff Ron Coleman @roncoleman Gordon Smith @gs_ Jeremy Richey @jeremyrichey Mike Cernovich @Cerno Evan Brown @internetcases Al Nye @AlanNye Kevin Heller @kevinhell George Lenard @employmentblawg Enrico Schaefer @Enrico1999 Monica Bay @commonscold Stephen Albainy-Jenei @patentbaristas Carolyn Elefant @carolynelefant Dave Gulbransen @dgulbran Tom Mighell @tommighell Craig Williams @jcraigwilliams Denise Howell @dhowell Andrew Raff @andrewraff Walter Olson @overlawyered Douglas Sorocco @douglassorocco Matt Buchanan @jmattbuchanan Steve Nipper @nipper Colin Samuels @colinsamuels John Wallbillich @wiredgc Bruce MacEwen @BruceMacEwen Anita Campbell @SmallBizTrends Kevin Thompson @cyberlaw Diane Levin @dianelevin Marty Schwimmer @mschwimmer Scott Greenfield @scottgreenfield Charlie Green @CharlesHGreen Adrian Dayton @adriandayton Tom Colson @tomcolson David Lat @davidlat Kevin O'Keefe @kevinokeefe Geeklawyer @Geeklawyer Rush Nigut @RushNigut CharonQC @Charonqc Kael Garvey @legallyunbound Vickie Pynchon @vpynchon Elie Mystal @ElieNYC Duncan Bucknell @DuncanBucknell Tim Kevan @babybarista David Harlow @healthblawg Dave Donoghue @rdd Anne Reed @annereed Dan Harris @danharris Ernest Svenson @ernieattorney Ray Ward @minorwisdom Cathy Gellis @CathyGellis Gideon @gideonstrumpet Susan Cartier Liebel @SCartierLiebel Popehat @Popehat Jeremy Blachman @jeremyblachman Sherrie Sisk @TheInspiredSolo Patrick Lamb @ValoremLamb Andrew Flusche @aflusche Brett Trout @BrettTrout Connie Crosby @conniecrosby Jamie Spencer @jamieinaustin Jillian Weiss @drjilliantweiss Arnie Herz @ArnieHerz Barry Barnett @blawgletter Daithí Mac Síthigh @macsithigh John Hochfelder @johnhochfelder Peter Black @PeterBlackQUT Brandy Karl @brandyk Omar Ha-Redeye @OmarHaRedeye Tamera Bennett @tamerabennett Michael Atkins @SeattleTMLawyer Scott Leviant @HScottLeviant Stephen Seckler @stephenseckler Eric Turkewitz @Turkewitz Bob Coffield @bobcoffield Christian Metcalfe @Cmetcalfe Joel Rosenberg @joelrosenberg Mairead Enright @humanrightsblog

This list is a "work in progress" that will be updated on an ongoing basis.

If you're a host of Blawg Review who's using Twitter, please DM @blawgreview so we can add you to this list as soon as possible.

I Blame Drew's Cancer

That's right, I blame Drew's cancer for too many tweets!

Oh, and one more thing, I blame Drew's cancer for this:

WTF? Are we behind the Great Firewall of China, or in Toronto for meshmarketing?

Vickie Pynchon Outdoes Herself

Hosts of Blawg Review know how much Vickie Pynchon contributes to these presentations every week, as a "sherpa guide" helpfully providing recommendations of some of the best law blog posts.

This week, our Blawg Review Sherpa Victoria Pynchon really outdoes herself with Blawg Review #234, a detailed look at the "200 year present" that marks conflict resolution week. Her presentation this week provides not only an overview of the blawgosphere, but insight into who she is as a lawyer, mediator, and as a person--in her own words.
These are the words I leave with the readers of Blawg Review #234 because they are the ones that informed my personal and professional transformation from a legal career based on rights and remedies to one based upon interests and consensus.

Whatever my own personal 200-year present was, is and will be, it is pointed in the direction of peace with justice, with an enormous and probably unwarranted optimism best expressed by the man after whom my law school was named: the arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit with Vickie, whom I've known online for several years. That meetup, one of the highlights of my recent travels, gave me an up close and personal look at one of the superstars of the legal community. In real life, as they say, Vickie's as amazing as she is here in the blogosphere.

Emperor Norton

"Everybody understands Mickey Mouse. Few understand Hermann Hesse. Hardly anybody understands Einstein. And nobody understands Emperor Norton." - Malaclypse the Younger, K.S.C.

Check out this week's Blawg Review #233 hosted by the anonymous bloggers at Popehat, who get it.

JetBlue All-You-Can-Jet

Leaving Las Vegas, boarding my 22nd flight on JetBlue's All-You-Can-Jet Pass. If you're thinking that's a lot of domestic air miles traveled this past month, you're right.

Blawg Review's editor put this opportunity to good use, connecting with many hosts, some famous, some infamous, and one anonymous -- meetups and tweetups across the country. Thanks to everyone who took time to meet, Monica Bay, Bob Ambrogi, Niki Black, Tom Colson, Dave Donoghue, Jay Shepherd, Eric Goldman, Craig Wiliams, Ray Ward, David Harlow, Charlie Green, among others, many of whom extended extraordinary hospitality to an anonymous guest. ;-) Believe it or not, Ed finally finally got to meet for the first time two of our trusty sherpas, Diane Levin and Vickie Pynchon.

Included in our venues were three law conferences in such distant places as San Jose, Chicago, and New York City. And, of course, we took care of business in Las Vegas. Thanks, JetBlue, for making this adventure possible.

So, what does this digital nomad think of JetBlue? Amazing airline -- at every point of contact, the service was flawless. The best airport facility in the country has to be Terminal 5 at JFK. If you ever get a chance, check it out for yourself. You might find me living there!

Teach Your Children Well

Blawg Review #232 is hosted by Susan Cartier Liebel at Solo Practice University on World Teachers' Day. Held annually on October 5th since 1994, World Teachers' Day commemorates teachers’ organisations worldwide. Its aim is to mobilise support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers.
