Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Blawg Review #200

Could this be the end of the line?

When we started Blawg Review with the question, "Do you blawg?" in 2005, who would have thought this traveling carnival of law blogs would still be alive 200 weeks later?

This week, Darren Rowse at Problogger had an interesting post that got us thinking.

How will Blawg Review be remembered?
Blawg Review was the blog carnival for everyone interested in law. A peer-reviewed blog carnival, the host of each Blawg Review decided which of the submissions and recommended posts were suitable for inclusion in the presentation. And the host was encouraged to source another dozen or so interesting posts to fit with any special theme of that issue of Blawg Review. The host's personal selections usually included several that reflected the character and subject interests of the host blawg, recognizing that the regular readership of the blog should find some of the usual content, and new readers of the blog via Blawg Review ought to get some sense of the unique perspective and subject specialties of the host. Thanks to all the law bloggers who collaborated to make Blawg Review one of the very best blog carnivals of any genre.
Not to worry; we've come to praise Blawg Review, not to bury it. This moot funeral is not a morbid affair, but a celebration of everything good about Blawg Review. Not exactly the Irish wake that Eoin O'Dell and Daithí Mac Síthigh might have expected. More like a jazz funeral that Ernie Svenson, Ray Ward, and David Harlow would appreciate. But with an Anglo-American musical theme that Evan Schaeffer, Dan Hull, Mistress Ruthie, Charon QC, and Geeklawyer will really digg.

The Traveling Wilburys, an inspired group of American and British superstars, provide the accompaniment for this 200th Blawg Review.

The True History of the Traveling Wilburys is a documentary film about how this supergroup consisting of George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty and Bob Dylan came together in California in 1988, a magical happenstance if ever there was one, and laid down tracks that, in the collaboration, was greater than the sum of its parts.

Could this be a metaphor for Blawg Review?

In bold italics below are the song titles written by the Wilburys that headline this week's selections of the best of the legal blogosphere that fit with our theme -- with bonus video and liner notes for Blawg Review #200, the collector's edition.

Handle With Care

As the anonymous editor of Blawg Review, with the help of our blawg sherpas, I've had the pleasure of working with many of the greatest lawyers around the world and across the blogosphere, as far away as Australia. Together, we've collaborated in the publication of 200 continuous issues of Blawg Review, a weekly roundup of the best law blog posts. It's a lot of work for the hosts each week, but they'll tell you it was worth the effort and they'd happily host again, given the opportunity. From an editor's perspective, in the words of Roy Orbison (referring to the Wilburys) it's been "wonderful to see all these professionals do their thing."

I've hosted ten issues of Blawg Review, myself, in four years.

Blawg Review #29 with a focus on business law.
Blawg Review #59, a Memorial Day special.
Blawg Review #60, a special appearance as Professor Kingsfield.
Blawg Review #80, again as Professor Kingsfield.
Blawg Review #89, The Mummer's Veil.
Blawg Review #100, a centennial review.
Blawg Review #107, a third presentation by Professor Kingsfield.
Blawg Review #120, a final appearance by Professor Kingsfield.
Blawg Review #192, candidates for Blawg Review of the Year 2008.
Blawg Review #200, in which we announce the winner of the award for Blawg Review of the Year 2008.

Hosting Blawg Review is its own reward and, as editor, I've had the added pleasure of working closely with over one hundred of the finest bloggers, some several times. Each collaboration was unique, and every one of those relationships is special to me.

Whenever the opportunity presents itself, I enjoy meeting face-to-face with lawyers and law students many of whom have become, after several years of collaboration online, trusted advisors and good friends in the real world.

In my travels, I've met with many hosts of Blawg Review, including Craig Williams, Denise Howell, Dan Hull, David Giacalone, Colin Samuels, Eric Turkewitz, Carolyn Elefant, Arnie Herz, Susan Cartier-Liebel, Steve Cranford, Kim Kralowec, Connie Crosby, John Bringardner, Monica Bay, Neil Squillante, Kevin O'Keefe, and Geeklawyer.

Last Night

Geeklawyer and the editor of Blawg Review, having arranged on Twitter to tweetup in Toronto, went on a classic British pub crawl in the colonies.

Charon QC added, "Binge drinking is part of our national Zeitgeist."

"Is it good for you?" asked WAC? ...Consider also this photo taken in 1978 of terminally fogged-up English person, now deceased, known to have had self-destructive lifestyle, being either a Mr. Keith Moon or one GeekLawyer, with regular weekend mistress.

Tweeter and the Monkey Man

Kiele Pace wasn't shy about exposing an Austin policeman's transparent lies in her new legal blog.

Dustin at QuizLaw wrote, "Despite the fact that it was the NY Post, which is about as classy as Coors Light nipple pasties, I was willing — in my mind — to give them the benefit of the doubt with regard to the controversial political cartoon. But I kept staring at it and wondering where the hell the political satire was. There is absolutely nothing — nothing — that you can take away from it except that they are calling Obama an ape. That’s it."

John Phillips followed the story with a discussion about "race cowards and the risk of race talk."

Last week's host, Mark Bennett, suggested that lawyers who enter the legal blogosphere looking to profit by it are headed for public ridicule; instead, he recommends that "the practical blawgosphere wants you to succeed. Write worth a damn, join in the conversation, link to posts on the blawgs you like reading, and we'll find your blog and spread the word." Scott Greenfield applauded Bennett taking a similar position in his Blawg Review last week. Whereas Bennett said that profiteers were welcome in but not well-suited to the blawgosphere, Greenfield put it more bluntly: "This Blawgosphere Ain't Big Enough for the Two of Us": "So why can't we all get along? Because the marketers don't care about the blawgosphere. They care about the quick buck and scheme." Austin Criminal Defense Attorney Jamie Spencer blogged about an attorney in Dallas, whose blog is so transparently marketing-oriented that it concludes a post about a bizarre case where a drunk driver ended up with her truck in someone's pool with "If you too have driven a car into a pool and are in need of an experienced DWI lawyer...."


Eric Turkewitz, who hosted a Marathon Blawg Review and a Thanksgiving Day Blawg Review at the New York Personal Injury Law Blog, discussed law firms and personal injury lawyers who appear to be chasing victims of Continental Flight 3407 that crashed in Buffalo, New York. New York's 30-day anti-solicitation rules, and ethics, didn't deter law firms in Chicago and DC.

Dirty World

Michael Estrin at Bitter Lawyer decided to investigate why lawyers and hookers make such terrific bedfellows.

Dustin wrote on Quizlaw, "I think a lot of dudes probably get off on the idea of seeing two hot twins make out with each other. But when you really think about it … well, that’s "twincest."

Marc Randazza at The Legal Satyricon blogged, "Hey Douchebag! Your Chicks’ Case is Outta Here!" and concludes, "After reading this complaint, it seems that Judge Toskos doesn’t mess around when First Amendment values are at stake. Additionally, Judge Toskos also seems to have brought a bit of pity to work that day. Had I been on the bench, I would have slapped the chicks and their lawyers with sanctions under the non-existent rule against douchebaggery."

Criminal defense attorney Scott Greenfield and Schenectady taxpayer David Giacalone took a close look at Officer Johnson's undercover operation.

Not Alone Anymore

And David Giacalone, a curmudgeonly valentine who's been wearing his heart on his sleeve for Wendy Savage all year, noted the flamingos return to the Stockade.

Anne Reed at Deliberations told some stories about "jury love" and said it shouldn’t be surprising that jurors fall in love.


Colin Samuels, at Infamy or Praise, will remember Blawg Review for the annual award that recognizes the best Blawg Review of the Year. This annual competition is open to all law blogs that have hosted Blawg Review, and the same blogger wins every year. Congratulations, Colin, for getting the most nominations for Blawg Review #189, based on Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", which has earned the award for Blawg Review of the Year 2008. Ron Coleman's Blawg Review #191, a Chanukah special at Likelihood of Confusion, is this year's runner-up. In third place in the voting, there was a tie between Rush Nigut's Blawg Review #147 based on the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, and David Gulbransen's Blawg Review #182, a special bar exam edition. Twenty-four issues of Blawg Review received nominations this year, which shows the quality and variety of presentations is appreciated.

Heading for the Light

Jordan Furlong at Law21 raised some interesting points about lawyers as a public good.

Bob Ambrogi at Legal Blog Watch discussed why some notable legal bloggers have thrown in the towel. And the very next day, Dan Slater bid the Wall Street Journal Law Blog farewell.

My shoes are wearing out from walking down this same highway
I don't see nothing new but I feel a lot of change
And I get the strangest feeling, as I'm
Heading for the light

I see the sun ahead, I ain't never looking back
All the dreams are coming true as I think of you
Now there's nothing in the way to stop me
Heading for the light

Now there's nothing in the way to stop me
Heading for the light

And on that note, my friends, I'll take a bow and leave the stage. Encore? This is...

The End of the Line

Blawg Review has information about next week's host, and instructions how to get your blawg posts reviewed in upcoming issues.
