Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly?

GeekLawyer has threatened to run rampage through the next Blawg Review sometime today. Please take the opportunity, whilst he gets his shit together, to enjoy this opening theme.

Music for GeekLawyer's Blawg Review #166 -- theme from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.

Editor's Note: Still nothing, I'm afraid. You don't suppose GeekLawyer was the unfortunate soul beaten by Amy Winehouse after her Glastonbury set, do you?

Update: Blawg Review #166 is up late, as was GeekLawyer, who got smashed at the infamous hippy Glastonbury music festival (a superior but continuing version of Woodstock) that he attended with Ruthie.

Carla Bruni On French Law

Blawg Review #165 on by Nicolas Jondet includes this mention of Carla Bruni with a link to a law professor's blog:
Interestingly, Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s President also has had to deal with controversial remarks, albeit of a different nature (about drugs) and in a different forum (a pop album), made by his wife Carla Bruni. And one can venture in comparing the controversial opinions expressed by Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and how they were received by the American and French public.
If you like what you see and hear in this YouTube Video of Carla Bruni singing L'Amour, you might want to click on Blawg Review #165 to see what the law professor is talking about.

LexMonitor Law Blog Review

LexMonitor is a free daily review of law blogs and journals highlighting prominent legal discussion as well as the lawyers and other professionals participating in this conversation.

"Pulling from nearly 2,000 sources and 5,000 authors, LexMonitor will hopefully shine a light on the ongoing conversation among thought leaders in the law for the benefit of the legal profession and the public at large," says Kevin O'Keefe of LexBlog, whose team of law blog specialists has developed this innovative website.

LexMonitor is linked in the sidebar for law blog readers who have read the latest issue of Blawg Review and want a whole lot more.

Solo by Choice

On June 20th in 2005, we were reading Blawg Review #11 by Al Nye the Lawyer Guy.

Today, we're reading his review of Solo By Choice: How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be, a new book by Carolyn Elefant, who hosted Blawg Review #21 on her popular law blog for solos, My Shingle.

Which reminds me -- we've met a lot of wonderful people, including Carolyn, because of Blawg Review, many of them solos who stay connected with the diverse community of lawyers through their blogs.

Previous hosts of Blawg Review who have reviewed Solo by Choice include Craig Williams, who hosted #28, Sheryl Sisk Schelin, who hosted #121, Jim Calloway, who hosted #49, and Evan Schaeffer, who hosted #38 and the premier issue of Blawg Review.

Scott Greenfield
, an upcoming host of Blawg Review, also wrote a wonderful review. He says:
Solo by Choice blew me away. As I read it, I became deeply concerned that I didn't have enough glowing adjectives at my command to capture just how fantastic this book was, and how much I recommend it to anyone who has even a twinkle in their eye about the possibility of breaking out of the grind. If I wasn't already a solo, I would become one after reading this book, it's that thorough, balanced and persuasive.
You can purchase Solo by Choice online at Amazon.

Joyce to the World

June 16th is BLOOMSDAY, the day in 1904 on which all the action of James Joyce’s novel Ulysses takes place. It is celebrated every year on 16th June by Joyceans all over the world.

In Dublin, where the novel is set, Bloomsday celebrations go on for a week from the 9th to the 16th June, with most of the attention on the day itself.

It is traditional to dress up and go out for the day, visiting the locations of the book and taking part in readings, walks and convivial activities of all sorts which in some way connect with Ulysses, its author and its world.
Have a look at Blawg Review #164 at by Dr. Eoin O'Dell, a Fellow and Senior Lecturer at the School of Law, Trinity College Dublin, who celebrates the best of the legal blogosphere with a special Bloomsday tribute.

Happy Bleepin' Bloomsday!

Photo Credit: James Joyce Bridge, Dublin, courtesy of

Yes, We Can

The election eve party will be at The Faculty Lounge, where they're hosting Blawg Review on November 3, 2008. Funk the vote!

What's in Barack Obama's iPod? What, no Pointer Sisters?!

Want More Partner Income?

Well, you've come to the right place! Blawg Review #163 is hosted this week by Brian Ritchey, Chief Contributing Editor for the law blog More Partner Income. He is also the Editor-In-Chief for the Managing Partner Advocate and the LexisNexis Law Firm Economic Survey. As one might expect of a lawyer who's a professional blog editor, he does a yeomanly job of it.

Ruthie Does Geeklawyer

Ruthie drops in on Geeklawyer -- thanks him for the chocolates but tells him she's been getting hit on more than enough since hosting the Blawg Review -- and challenges him to try to get more action when he, himself, hosts in a few weeks. Listen in as she chats him up before a night out for dinner and fun.

Chicks, Sex, and Lawyers

Blawg Review #162 at the China Law Blog provides a global perspective on the best recent law blog posts, including this provocation: "The Blawgraphy writes compellingly on the similarities between the practice of law and chicken sexing."