Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Carla Bruni On French Law

Blawg Review #165 on by Nicolas Jondet includes this mention of Carla Bruni with a link to a law professor's blog:
Interestingly, Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s President also has had to deal with controversial remarks, albeit of a different nature (about drugs) and in a different forum (a pop album), made by his wife Carla Bruni. And one can venture in comparing the controversial opinions expressed by Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and how they were received by the American and French public.
If you like what you see and hear in this YouTube Video of Carla Bruni singing L'Amour, you might want to click on Blawg Review #165 to see what the law professor is talking about.