Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

The Bold Look of Koehler

Jamison Koehler hosts Blawg Review #296 at Koehler Law, putting faces to the names of many leading bloggers of the criminal defense bar.

"Don't piss on my blog and tell me you're contributing something personal in the comments," added Koehler when reached for his thoughts on hosting this week's carnival of law blogs. (Okay, we made that shit up.)

Kohler Arts Center washroom photograph by Keith Stokes

Big Brother

On this date in 1984, Apple sold its first Macintosh computer, announced by Steve Jobs in a keynote address that featured this ominous television ad by Apple, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Also on this date, in 2003, the Department of Homeland Security began operations, and things haven't been the same since.

On this momentous date, Kevin Thompson hosts Blawg Review #295 on the Blawg Review of the Year Award winning Cyberlaw Central, where he blogs about the digital world, its impact and legal framework.

"Somewhere I read..."

On MLK Jr. Day, somewhere I read, in Blawg Review #294 by Gideon on a public defender blog, the best law blog posts of the past week.

His Name Is Mudd

"Dr. Samuel Alexander Mudd died 127 years ago today. For those of y'all not familiar with Dr. Mudd's story, he was imprisoned for conspiring to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln."
Blawg Review #293 by Paul B. Kennedy, at The Defense Rests, tells the story in a wonderfully crafted presentation of this week's carnival of law blogs.

Happy Birthday, Tully

There can be little doubt that Marcus Tullius Cicero would have been a blogger as passionate as Scott Greenfield.
"It might be pardonable to refuse to defend some men, but to defend them negligently is nothing short of criminal."
Tully would have considered Twitter more useful than Brian Tannebaum.
"Even if you have nothing to write, write and say so."
And he would have found Facebook as indispensable as Kevin O'Keefe.
"Every man can tell how many goats or sheep he possesses, but not how many friends."
Certainly, he would have liked his iPad as much as Jon Bloor.
"If you have a garden and an iPad, you have everything you need."
Yes, Cicero would have appreciated Blawg Review #292, and, like many of us, Tully would have followed @Charonqc on Twitter and started each day reading Charon QC for inspiration.
"Hoc vinum annorum sexaginta est. Bene aetatem fert."