Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Canadian Law Blogs, eh?

We've been criticized in the past for not featuring many of the great Canadian law blogs. In our defense, we have always encouraged Canadian law bloggers to host Blawg Review but, frankly, only the very bravest among them have taken up the challenge.


With the Winter Olympics arriving in Canada in February 2010, it's not surprising that crazy Canucks are coming to Blawg Review now, eager as beavers with a renewed sense of national pride -- with glowing hearts, as it were.

As you can see from the results of the recent CLawBies (Canadian Law Blog Awards) our upcoming hosts, and those who have already hosted Blawg Review, are among the very best legal blogs in Canada, so our expectations for gold medal performances are, well, high.

And we expect there will be more Canadian Law Blogs scheduled to host Blawg Review in the months and years to come. That's good, eh?

Oh yeah, Canada!

Robert Burns Blawg Review

With perfect disgust, a haggis-eating Scots Law Student hosts this week's Blawg Review #248 on Robert Burns Day. If it's not Scottish, it's crap!

Gideon on MLK Day

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Gideon, a public defender, never one to be silent about things that matter, hosts Blawg Review #247 on MLK Day, a day of service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

You Want a Revolution?

Blawg Review #246 is up at The Client Revolution.

The Return of the Jedi

Last year, CharonQC was the Lord of Misrule, for his Twelfth Night Blawg Review #193.

This year, the dark lord returns with Blawg Review #245 in the guise of Darth Vader, admonishing readers, "You should not have come back."

Master Yoda to Dark Lord, "You are powerful with the force, but lighten up on the Smokedo whilst law blog reviewing you should."