Absentee Editor
You might not have noticed that your dutiful editor has been slacking off these past two weeks -- certainly not from the look of today's Blawg Review #97 by Bob Coffield at the Health Care Law Blog, or last week's Blawg Review #96 at the South Carolina Appellate Law Blog by Bill Watkins.
While all that excellent blawg reviewing was going on, I escaped my snowy environs and have been mummering around southern California enjoying the great weather and meeting personally with a few of my favorite law bloggers in their local habitat. It's been interesting just to pop in unexpectedly on a few previous hosts of Blawg Review during my travels, have great visits in the real world (if Newport Beach can be described as the real world) and still manage to escape with my true identity virtually intact. We should do this more often.
During my time away from the usual routine as anonymous editor, the Blawg Review project maintained its high standards thanks to our excellent hosts and the extra efforts of our Blawg Review Sherpas, notably Colin Samuels and Jen Burke, who helped carry an even greater share of the work while I was absent.
Thanks also to many others who followed the Submission Guidelines and sent in excellent submissions and recommendations. Blawg Review wouldn't be the same without you.