Previewing Blawg Review #4
Law & Entrepreneurship News is a collaborative weblog project involving Professor Gordon Smith and students at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Their purpose is to provide links and commentary on recent developments relating to law and entrepreneurship.
This group blawg tracks judicial, legislative, regulatory, transactional and scholarly developments related to a wide variety of business topics. Each subject area is the primary responsibility of one of these outstanding student editors, who researches and writes the blog entries.
Blawg Review #4 is a special opportunity for your best blawg post this week to be featured on a weblog that is widely read in the business blogosphere, as well by the legal community. Earlier this month, Law & Entrepreneurship News hosted a great Carnival of the Capitalists.
How do these law students manage all this business law reporting and analysis and still have time for exams? This exceptional blawg has a real live research advisor, Bonnie Shucha, who is "paid to be an information detective" - that means helping find answers to law students research questions. According to her online profile, Bonnie particularly likes the challenging ones that require her to dig into those information crevices that only librarians know. And, in addition to working on Law & Entrepreneurship News, Bonnie maintains WisBlawg, a blog about legal research and internet news and information with an emphasis on Wisconsin.
As well as collaborating on Law & Entrepreneurship News, Professor Gordon Smith writes extensively on the Conglomerate law blog. A very strong supporter of Blawg Review, Professor Smith will also be hosting Blawg Review #5, at Conglomerate. More about that, and cheese, next week.