Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Wiener Takes All

Scouring the Google for an image that captures the spirit of the carnival of law blogs on German-American Day, your editor could find none better than this movie poster for the dogumentary Wiener Takes All.

Contemporaneously with the publication of this week's Blawg Review at midnight in Germany, Americans at Oktoberfest NW in Seattle gather for the running of the dachshunds.
On Sunday, October 5, take your place alongside the track at Longbody Acres at Oktoberfest Northwest and cheer for the dashing daschund (sic) of your choice!

Starting at noon, daschunds (sic) of all shapes and sizes (well, okay, all sizes anyway...probably only the one shape) will compete in various races and competitions. The top six winners from the day will compete in another race at Qwest Field during a Seahawks game later in the year- so the wiener war is on!
Blawg Review #180 is hosted by Andis Kaulins on LawPundit, a law blog domiciled in Germany and authored by an American expatriate, born in Germany, raised in the United States, and formerly lecturing on Anglo-American law at the University of Trier Law School.

Are we going to the dawgs? You be the judge of that. We could do worse than having this many cheering fans show up to see this week's Blawg Review #180.