German-American Day

The Germans are coming! The Germans are coming! Oh wait, they’ve already been here in Philadelphia for 325 years. Not to worry. Seems to be working out well so far. It’s that time of year again – the German Society will be hosting a full slate of activities surrounding German-American Weekend October 1-6, 2008.We'll do our part. October 6 is German-American Day at Blawg Review this year. Our host is Andis Kaulins at his LawPundit blog. If you'd like to submit your law blog post, or recommend something appropriate you've found interesting on another blawg, send a link to us following these Submission Guidelines.
In 1983, President Reagan signed a proclamation declaring October 6 as German-American Day. The question arises, other than a yearly reception at City Hall held by the Mayor of Philadelphia, why have other festivities celebrating October 6 nearly slipped into oblivion?
What’s the problem? Irish-Americans aren’t the only ones who know how to throw a party. Germans invented freakin’ Oktoberfest. They should be able to generate a bit more interest about their culture and contributions to the country on their special day.
Blawg Review #180 should be a party!
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