Commemorating September 11

Case Western Reserve University School of Law, in Cleveland, Ohio, through its Institute for Global Security Law and Policy, will host three events in remembrance of September 11th -- four, if you count hosting Blawg Review #74, a special issue by Gregory S. McNeal and Amos N. Guiora.
Senior Fellow in Terrorism and Homeland Security and Assistant Director of the Institute for Global Security Law and Policy, Gregory S. McNeal is one of two law professors in the world (along with Institute Director Amos N. Guiora) supervising students working on legal assignments used by the Office of the Prosecutor for the Department of Defense Office of Military Commissions. The work relates to the Guantanamo detainees through the Institute's partnership with the Department of Defense.
On Monday September 11th, at 9:00 a.m., Amos N. Guiora, Professor of Law and Director of the Institute, will lead the campus in a moment of silence on the quad at the corner of Adelbert Road and Euclid Avenue. Following the moment of silence, those present will be invited to plant one of 3,000 flags as a memorial to the victims of 9/11.
At noon in the moot courtroom of the law school, Richard Rawlins, Deputy Director of Ohio Homeland Security, will deliver the day’s keynote speech. Rawlins oversees the Ohio Counter-terrorism Office, where he coordinates the overall effort to deter, detect and prevent terrorist attacks in Ohio. Rawlins also oversees the Strategic Analysis and Information Center and the Private Investigator and Security Guard Section. Rawlins will speak to students and members of the community about the impact of September 11th on the State of Ohio. This event is free and open to the public.
At 4:30 p.m., to conclude the day, the directors of other law school centers will discuss how September 11th impacted their area of the law. The centers represented include: the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center, the Center for Business Law and Regulation, CISCDR (Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Conflict and Dispute Resolution), the Center for Law Technology and the Arts, The Law-Medicine Center, and the Institute for Global Security Law and Policy.
Submissions and recommendations for Blawg Review #74 are requested, in keeping with the commemorations of September 11, and the themes of the global war on terrorism and the impact of post-9/11 laws on business, civil liberties, and the administration of justice. Because of the special theme, our hosts will look beyond the previous few weeks of blawg posts for excellent law blog posts on the subject of terrorism, Homeland Security, The Patriot Act, and all matters of law relevant to the GWOT.
Professor Gregory S. McNeal, who also blogs on these topics on his personal blawg, Law, Terrorism and Homeland Security, is co-author of the forthcoming book, Saddam On Trial: Understanding and Debating the Iraqi High Tribunal.
As a special treat for those curious enough to have clicked on the image at the top of this post, or who have read through to the very end, there's a fabulous Tribute in Light 3D Panorama photograph, as an interactive World Trade Center memorial. Words can't do this justice.
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