Lest We Forget The Vets

Many in our legal community are veterans, and we take this day to honor all who served, as we have in previous years.
Blawg Review #59 was a special presentation for Memorial Day, and we find the thoughts linked there to be equally appropriate to reflect upon this Veterans Day, November 11th, also Remembrance Day in many countries of the British Commonwealth that share the legal traditions of the common law.
In the style of Blawg Review, we'll update this post, today and throughout this weekend, with links to current posts from law blogs that are especially appropriate for this day of honor and remembrance of all who served. If you've written a post on your blawg reflecting on Veterans Day or Remembrance Day, or if you see something on another's law blog worth noting here, please send an email with the link, and we'll add those thoughts and links to this presentation.
Veterans Day 2008 resources at LexLibris, the University of Minnesota Law Library Blawg.
Twenty Percent of the US Population Deserves Our Thanks This Veterans Day, says Joe Hodnicki at the Law Librarian Blog
Veteran's Day - Should It Be a National Holiday? - Hartford lawyer Daniel Schwartz of Pullman & Comley in his Connecticut Employment Law Blog
Law Enacted to Protect Military Parents - New York attorney Daniel Clement in his blog, the New York Divorce Report
Veteran's Day Rob Teuber at The Tax Law Forum
World marks 90th anniversary of Great War. The Agonist
I wear a WHITE poppy, says OmarHaRedeye on Twitter
Veteran's Day Need Never End - Colin Samuels at Infamy or Praise
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