Veterans Day Remembrance

Many in our legal community are veterans, and we take this day to honor all who served.
Blawg Review #59 was a special presentation for Memorial Day, and we find the thoughts linked there to be equally appropriate to reflect upon this Veterans Day, November 11th, also Remembrance Day in many countries of the British Commonwealth that share the legal traditions of the common law.
In the style of Blawg Review, we'll update this post, today and throughout this weekend, with links to current posts from law blogs that are especially appropriate for this day of honor and remembrance of all who served. If you've written a post on your blawg reflecting on Veterans Day or Remembrance Day, or if you see something on another's law blog worth noting here, please send an email with the link, and we'll add those thoughts and links to this presentation.
All Are Veterans; Some Are Heroes Phillip Carter at Intel Dump points to his essay on the changing definition of heroes in today's society, published today in the Los Angeles Times.
Frequently over the last two months, my friends have referred to me and other veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan as "heroes." This has disturbed me a great deal, forming another sort of alienation that is likely to become particularly acute this Veterans Day. American society venerates all soldiers as heroes, yet we in the military reserve that label for those who truly go above and beyond the call of duty. To us, the ordinary soldiers who merely served in harm's way, the label feels like a garish shirt — it neither describes us well nor fits us comfortably.Recognizing America's 25 Million Living Veterans This Veterans Day at Law Librarians Blog.
Thinking about sentenced troops on Veterans Day is Professor Berman at Sentencing Law & Policy.
For Veterans Day Weekend Professor Glenn Reynolds suggests giving to Project Valour IT (Voice-Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops).
Thank You Veterans! Obsessive Law Student recommends giving to those soldiers still serving by visiting
Veterans Day Letter to Editor from Local Lawyer, Soldier, Judge Advocate, Veteran, and Friend posted by Kentucky Law blogger Michael Stevens.
Veterans Day by Skelly Wright at Arbitrary and Capricious.
Honor the Fallen in Flanders Fields by Anthony Cerminaro at BizzBangBuzz.
Protected Poppies by Larry Munn at Canadian Trademark Blog.
The History of Veterans Day is linked at FutureLawyer.
The Greatest Generation Day on which Dan Hull reflects on what Veterans Day means to him.
For Veteran's Day the poem The Soldier by Father Dennis Edward O'Brien, USMC is posted by Charles at DND, Law School, and Life.
Veterans Day; A Salute to the Veterans of All American Wars by Norman Gregory Fernandez at the Biker Law Blog.
Veterans Day Prayer By Susan Kramer at Chuck Newton's blog.
Project Valour-IT Update: Veterans Day post by Colin Samuels at Infamy or Praise.
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