Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Lawyers not on Twitter?

Blawg Review #186 at the Res Ipsa Blog is following the Twitter War that just broke out in the blawgosphere.

David Giacalone a lawyer who writes in haiku verse, not tweets, takes a full post on his weblog f/k/a to knock Twitter and lawyers who tweet, knowing full well some might call him a twit, or worse.

Kevin O'Keefe at LexBlog, an enthusiastic twitterer and rabid blogger who knows an invitation to a blog fight when he sees one, takes the link bait, and weighs in rather heavily against Giacalone.

Scott Greenfield at Simple Justice tags Giacalone, and hits O'Keefe 'til his statcounter begs for mercy.

Don't think we've heard the end of this.
Lawyers have been arguing for years about whether other lawyers are unprofessional if they call their weblogs "blawgs" so it's not surprising that they're now debating whether it's good for lawyers to "tweet" on Twitter. Remember, they're lawyers.

Yes, they're bloggers, too. And that's how we know them. All good friends of Blawg Review; David Giacalone hosted #52, Kevin O'Keefe hosted #125, and Scott Greenfield hosted #170. Twitter helps us get to know them better, and more like them, so it's all good.

Barack Obama, a lawyer who blogs and tweets knowing it enables him to reach like-minded people who'd like to know him better, and who can help him succeed, is "following" Blawg Review on Twitter. We're audaciously hoping, if he's not too busy January 19, 2009, he'll host Blawg Review on MLK Day.