ABA Blawg 100 Review
When the ABA Journal selected the inaugural Blawg 100, they faced a challenge. There were then between 2,000 and 3,000 legal blogs, or blawgs. Mistakes were made. Among the top 100, the ABA Journal included Blawg Review -- a participatory law blog “carnival” that takes submissions and compiles a weekly list of the best ones.

We're pleased that so many law blogs that have hosted Blawg Review are included in this year's ABA Journal Blawg 100, namely:
Above the LawThat's 25 of the ABA Journal Blawg 100. Huzzah!
How Appealing
Legal Blog Watch
Concurring Opinions
The Faculty Lounge
Simple Justice
Mediation Channel
Geeklawyer's Blog
The Legal Satyricon
Inter Alia
Real Lawyers Have Blogs
TechnoLawyer Blog
Adam Smith, Esq.
Build a Solo Practice @ SPU
Beyond the Underground
What About Clients?
China Law Blog
New York Personal Injury Law Blog
New York Injury Cases Blog
Those of us who work behind the scenes here are even more proud than when Blawg Review, itself, was inadvertently named one of the best law blogs.
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