Surfette Catches Her Wave

Blawg Review's favorite smurfette, Lisa Stone, says, "Surf's up!" She's leaving her Blog Network friends to spend more time on BlogHer. Signing off, Lisa left us this goodbye:
I think this legal blogging thing might catch on -- how about you?Lisa Stone will be sadly missed around here, not only for her continuous support of Blawg Review as part of the Blog Network, and for her excellent Blawg Review #27, but for mentoring me in difficult times, when she'd offer encouraging words in an email like this:
So I've made a decision to hand over the reins of my blog, Legal Blog Watch, to two brilliant blawggers: Carolyn Elefant and Robert Ambrogi. I'm resigning to work full-time on this little project.
You may be wondering, btw, why I have never asked you who you are. It's because I am a believer that your work should speak for itself, that we as writers are only as good as our last 30 column inches or three minutes of tape or three blawg posts. Now, more than ever, it's possible for one to earn one's credibility in this brave new writing world. That'll be the salvation of journalism, citizen or otherwise. So in a way, I feel I already know the part of you I was seeking. And I vote with my feet on the value of that relationship every week, when I come back to read what you've written.Lisa, if you're reading this, thanks for everything. And if I'm ever in the Bay area, I'll be sure to look you up. Promise.
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