Blog Conference for Lawyers
Dennis Crouch, of Patently-O: Patent Law Blog, invites everyone interested in law blogs to the upcoming conference on Blog Law and Blogging for Lawyers to be held April 20–21 in San Francisco.
Dennis Crouch, an attorney at the law firm of McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff, is the co-chair of this conference, which is the first comprehensive CLE to look at blogging both as a marketing tool for attorneys and as a legal area. Cathy Kirkman of Wilson Sonsini, who is also co-chair of this blogging conference, has her own blawg, which she calls the Silicon Valley Media Law Blog.
Jennifer Collins, Content Director of, will moderate a panel of BigLaw Bloggers, Denise Howell of Reed Smith and Bag and Baggage, Bennet Koren of McGlinchey Stafford and the Hurricane Law Blog, and Greg Kopta of Davis Wright Tremaine and the Telecom Law Blog.
Kevin O'Keefe, President of LexBlog, which developed the Hurricane Law Blog, the Silicon Valley Media Law Blog, and the Telecom Law Blog, among many other excellent law blogs, will give a presentation on the nuts and bolts of law blogging.
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