Are You Experienced?
In Seattle for the 131st annual meeting of INTA, the International Trademark Association, we're studying the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Apparently, it's not a CLE credit @INTAAM09, although it could be.
Tamera Bennett, an entertainment IP attorney who is hosting our Blawg Review #212 next, could teach a CLE credit course on "Trademarks and the Entertainment Industry".
On the entertainment side of Tamera Bennett’s practice, the primary focus is administration of music publishing and master recording catalogs. Because of lawyer Tamera Bennett’s extensive background in music publishing and specifically in working with the 1909 Copyright Act, the focus is on “estate” catalogs. In the more traditional practice areas of trademark and copyright law, Tamera advises clients on the proper selection and maintenance of trademarks. Additionally, she manages her clients' trademark and copyright portfolios.A current series of articles on her blog, Current Trends in Copyright, Trademark & Entertainment Law, describes the estate nightmares of iconic musicians.
James Brown, Jerry Garcia, and Jimi Hendrix all held very different spots in the world of music and entertainment, though there is some arguable overlap given the extent of each one’s influence. Yet, one thing they most certainly all have in common after their respective deaths concerns problems in handling their considerable assets, including royalty and trademark rights.Whether you're a regular follower @blawgreview, or you've just discovered Blawg Review at INTA, be sure to check out our next presentation, Blawg Review #212, which, if nothing else, will certainly be entertaining.
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