Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Blawg Review Marathon

Blawg Review #134 is being run this week by Eric Turkewitz at the New York Personal Injury Law Blog. You won't want to miss this one -- it's a marathon, not a sprint.

Eric Turkewitz tells me that the inspiration for his New York Marathon theme was this Mummer On Parade post and Blawg Review #89: The Mummer's Veil.

Indeed, this week's Blawg Review #134 is an insightful run through the best of the legal blogosphere with an exemplary law blogger, who demonstrates once again that this project has legs. Following the course of the New York City marathon, it's worth reading from start to finish!

Update: On the first blogiversary of New York Personal Injury Law Blog, Eric Turkewitz offered these thoughts on blogging:
This has been a real hoot, but it has also taken a great deal of time. The one oddity that stood out was I was placed on the blogroll of Overlaywered while at the same time being a guest contributor to its arch nemesis, Tort Deform. I'm not 100% certain what it means, but I think that has to be good, especially for a beginner.

I've listed some of the most popular posts here, but my personal favorite was the marathon Blawg Review #134 that I put up earlier this week, essentially the culmination of my rookie year. It was long, not just because marathons are long but, because I had so much fun conceptualizing, researching and writing it. I started making notes in a separate file six months ago on ideas and situations, much the way I make notes on trial themes and tactics from the day a case comes in.

The streets and crowds of New York, provided unlimited opportunities to raise different subjects and allowed me to weave a fabric using both fact and fiction that included bloggers, the race and the city. The post got goofier and goofier as the race wore on because that is one thing that happens with exhaustion. A tip of the hat to the people that made it to the finish line.
Well done, Eric. Congratulations on a good year.

And congrats, as well, to David Lat of Above the Law fame, who actually ran the New York City Marathon this year finishing in under five hours and bettering the time of his previous NYC Marathon.
