Divorce 101

Earlier this week, Diana found herself wondering if she had picked a good week to host Blawg Review following our massive one hundredth edition of this blog carnival for law bloggers.
Blawg Review #100 features posts from each of the prior 99 hosts of the weekly tour of the blawgosphere. It is a massive piece and was posted a day early to give us a more leisurely time to enjoy it. What was I thinking when I agreed to host #101? Surely I could have surmised this would be a tough act to follow. Nonetheless, I will give it a whirl next Monday. My request? Please submit the best lawyer blog post you write or come across this week. You can do so by posting to the Blog Carnival submission form here.So, help a girl out if you would, please -- and send in some good recommendations and submissions for this week's Blawg Review following our handy submission guidelines here. And then join us all on Monday, when we'll find out which law blog posts Diana Skaggs selected for her Blawg Review #101.
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