This Blog's Living Will
With the latest blogging technologies, free hosting services can keep a blog alive for years, even if the blogger is no longer functioning or the person in charge is permanently incapacitated and unable to blog.
As competent bloggers, we have the right to make decisions in advance as to whether or not we would like to decline life support for our blogs when it's clear that death is imminent or a vegetative state permanent.
As the name "living will" implies, this post is a declaration of this blog's will to live rather than to be refused care and attention just because the anonymous editor may become incapacitated without notice or, heaven forfend, just up and dies without saying goodbye. You never know.
A lone mummer was so unlikely and threatening that it was always referred to as a 'Spirit' and was a certain sign of impending death in the New Year.Not being superstitious, but to be on the safe side as any good lawyer would advise, your prudent editor has made arrangements, while still of sound mind and body, to ensure that this collaborative project for the community of law bloggers can survive and prosper, even if this editor succumbs to excessive blogging or other horrific demise.

Colin Samuels, one heckuva lawyer, steadfast supporter, regular contributor, and wonderful writer (not to mention winner of the award for Blawg Review of the Year two years in a row) has been given power of attorney and appointed health care proxy for Blawg Review in the unlikely event of the unexpected absence or incapacitation of the current editor.
Under the terms of this power of attorney, Colin Samuels has been provided with all the usernames and passwords required to continue to manage this blog and the Blawg Review project as and in the name of the editor, and is hereby authorized to do so in any apparent or perceived state of temporary or permanent incapacitation of the founding editor.
Colin Samuels is hereby authorized and empowered to do and take all actions he deems fitting and appropriate to ensure continuation of Blawg Review for the benefit of the community of law bloggers, whenever any such circumstances become apparent to him, in his absolute and unfettered discretion.
That said, I'm not planning on going crazy, or elsewhere, anytime soon.
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