Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Best Blawg & Best Law Blogs

Everybody loves awards shows, even bloggers. The Best of the Blogs, or the BOBs as they're called, were recently announced. Lisa Stone was the only jury member from the colonies. Best weblog of the BOBs?
A Little Respect, I'm Your Mother - The daily reports from Mirta Bertotti and her family have quickly become one of the most beloved Weblog telenovelas in the Spanish-speaking Internet.

Everything that happens to the Bertotti family is described from the 52-year-old mother's point of view and illustrated with detailed comics. The blog is made by the Argentine HernĂ¡n Casciari.

Over 100,000 votes were cast in online voting during the BOBs' final four weeks, and the Internet public decided it was the Portuguese Weblog Tupiniquim that was most deserving of the User Prize.
WTF? As Bob Wiley said, "You ever hear of Tourette's syndrome? Involuntarily shouting out profanities?"

In the United States, the Bloggies take center stage year after year, and another blog awards show, The Weblog Awards, is also picking favorites from amongst their own group of right-thinking bloggers.

Of special interest to law bloggers, The Weblog Awards has a new category this year for Best Law Blog. Many lawyers might wonder about a voting system that encourages everyone to vote early and vote often, but some have no problem with that. Neither do we, but one nominee says forget it.

For most law bloggers, the real excitement will be right here for the first ever Blawg Review Awards, which will be announced on December 26. No one knows whose blawgs are nominated, how a law blog gets nominated, how the voting is tabulated, or even who gets to vote. Still, this is where everyone interested in the best blawgs looks each week, and law bloggers will be pointing their browsers back here right after Christmas to see who got what presents from Blawg Review this year.

Whose is the of the ? That's a closely guarded secret to be announced at the Blawg Review Awards. Until then, just look in Technorati or do a Google Blog Search to find the best blawg.
