Blawg Review

It's not just a blog carnival; it's the law! ~ a fool in the forest

Previewing Blawg Review #9

JurisPundit is the work of an anonymous law student blogger. Beyond law school, JMoore says he has big plans to practice in a large firm toiling away as just another cog in the machine of the corporate world. That is, until he can break away from the rat-race to start his own firm, or join a smaller firm, so he can enjoy the finer things in life: namely, his family, the Dallas Cowboys, and polka music.

As for the family, there's magic in the air, and we here at Blawg Review would like to take this opportunity to congratulate JMoore and the wife, who are on their honeymoon this week. C'mon now, don't make him spend his honeymoon looking for good blawg posts. He promises to get a great Blawg Review #9 together for us on Monday, if everyone will just help out at bit more with recommendations this week. Please submit at least one post—more if you see some interesting posts while browsing your favorite blawgs. Let's take this opportunity to introduce some new law bloggers to the mix this week.

We're confident he'll come back refreshed, feeling like a stud, and will be happy to get back to his first love—blogging. This isn't his only blog, but JurisPundit was created to improve upon and experiment with his writing skills. He admits that lately it has devolved into a "typical, run-of-the-mill blog, trolling through news reports looking for paragraphs about which [he] can write short quips." I think now we know why.

He's hopeful that Blawg Review #9 on Monday will add to JurisPundit an interesting mix of new creative writing and great legal thinking. For himself, he's thought long and hard about why he blogs in the first place.
What attracted me to the blogosphere was the notion of a free market for ideas, where the common man can share ideas with the rest of the world without institutional influences. For example, if I were to write columns for the New York Times, the readership, whether I deserve it or not, would be there. The same can be said about the academic world. However, in the blogosphere, ideas are rewarded by the market. While it may not be a perfect market for ideas, it is, by far, the closest we have found to date. I had a discussion earlier today with a professor about whether the blogosphere was democratic or not. I believe that the blogosphere is an extension of democracy in that a successful democracy depends upon the churning of ideas among the people in order for them to reach informed decisions. A marketplace for ideas helps this process occur.
It's not surprising that JMoore would be among those great legal thinkers who support Blawg Review. Where is there a more democratic marketplace for law bloggers' ideas?

If you would like to share your ideas with everyone who follows this traveling carnival of the law bloggers, simply submit one of your best recent posts or send in a link to another blogger's post you think deserves special attention. Just follow these submission guidelines. It's easy to submit a post, and fun to get reviewed.