Blawg Review #283
Get up. Go somewhere different. Meet someone different. ~ Dan Hull
Today, September 27, is World Tourism Day. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on the role of tourism within the international community and to demonstrate how it affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide.
It seemed like a good idea, then, for me to volunteer to host Blawg Review in the middle of my "all you can jet" adventure on JetBlue. Last year, I logged 22 legs with my AYCJ pass. This year, I've booked about 17 flights in 30 days. I'm taking it easy. Others I've crossed paths with during these travels, like photographer Clark Dever and digital designer Amber Rampino pictured below, travel at a more hectic pace.

I'm no photographer, you see, but I did take a few snapshots during my recent 24 hour stopover in JetBlue's Terminal 5 at JFK, which I now just call "The Terminal".
In addition to some of the best law blog posts of the past week, this editon of Blawg Review includes a few photos of my "all you can jet" tour and links to some of my favorite travel blogs that might be interesting to our readers. But I digress.
As the world comes together to celebrate 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity, UNWTO is happy to announce that the World Tourism Day (WTD) celebrations, hosted officially this year by China, will take place under the theme Tourism and Biodiversity (27 September, Guangdong Province). The theme provides a unique opportunity to raise public awareness of the importance of biodiversity to tourism and the role of sustainable tourism in the conservation of life on Earth.Speaking of China hosting World Tourism Day, don't miss The China Law Blog World Tour.
Biodiversity is a key tourism asset and fundamental to its sustained growth. Intact and healthy ecosystems form the cornerstone of thousands of tourist enterprises and products worldwide, attracting hundreds of millions of tourists each year. As a leading economic activity, sustainable tourism has an important role and responsibility in managing and conserving biological natural resources. As a key source of income and employment, tourism often provides strong incentives to protect biodiversity. Sustainable tourism can furthermore generate significant revenues for conservation and community development and help to raise awareness of biodiversity issues.
The theme Tourism and Biodiversity is particularly pertinent in 2010. Concerned by the continued loss of biological diversity, the United Nations Assembly declared 2010 the International Year of Biodiversity. The year coincides with the target adopted by governments in 2002, to achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss.
“Tourism and biodiversity are mutually dependent. UNWTO wishes to raise awareness and calls upon the tourism stakeholders and travellers themselves to contribute their part of the global responsibility to safeguard the intricate web of unique species and ecosystems that make up our planet” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai.
Jodi Ettenberg, a former lawyer from Montreal who has spent the past few years eating her way around the world, one country at a time, blogs at Legal Nomads and has written a review of Eat, Pray, Love for a CNN travel blog.
Johnny Vagabond shares some photos of awesome office space from his Quest for the Perfect ‘Digital Nomad’ Office.
Lance Godard of 22 Tweets interviewed Kevin A Thompson of Cyberlaw Central, who has a post on his law blog that is of concern to international tourists: ACLU challenges Suspicionless Laptop Border Searches. Coincidentally, I'm having lunch with Kevin in Chicago, today, and we'll go over his plans to host his sixth Blawg Review -- another award-winning Blawg Review of the Year perhaps?
George M. Wallace is on the road again and has similar concerns with "security theater" in a post he titles "Meet the Beagles". Always entertaining, as well as instructive, this blog post on A Fool in the Forest has a little traveling music that struck a familiar chord -- The Handsome Family: All the Time in Airports.
Portland attorney David F. Sugerman is Live in Doha–chasing KBR and Halliburton and combining work with travel.
Ed Peterson at Man on the Go explains how we can all learn from thinking a little more like tourists on our travels. International business travelers can take a few lessons from tourists. Ed says focus your next overseas business trip on building relationships, not just accomplishing tasks.
Libel Tourism: Solving the Problem of Globetrotting Defamation Plaintiffs -- with Legislation, Treaties, and Legal Outsourcing is the title of a blog post by Sayuj Banerjee on Law Without Borders.
Across the pond, Charon QC, has a good piece: Rule Britannia – a free country? Best justice in the world? You have to be joking, Guv! And, did you hear? Charon published a new book! – CHARON QC THE JOURNEY!
David Allen Green at Jack of Kent explains why the Paul Chambers case matters. Charon QC hashtags it #Twitterjoketrial and has more to say on the subject.
Tim Kevan at The Barrister Blog wonders if the Times' paywall has started leaking.
Mike Cernovich at Crime and Federalism writes on Ethos and Persuasion.
In a blog post titled Sticks & Stones on The Common Scold, Monica Bay of ALM looks at a recent case concerning allegations of online bullying, citing analysis of the issues in a recent law journal article.
In the New York Law Journal, Stephen Kramarsky, a member of Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky, analyzes the case and recent efforts to create legislation to protect teens in the light of recent suicides related to bullying.The new issue of The Jury Expert is up with a second piece on Millennials -- Between Coddling and Contempt: Managing and Mentoring Millennials.
"Much of the public discourse in online communities and social media -- whether private blogs, websites like Facebook or MySpace or services like Twitter -- consists of button pushing and trash-talk, good natured or otherwise. Context, in such situations, can be extremely important and broad legislation, while satisfying in the wake of tragedies ... is not always the best solution," says Kramarsky.
Gerry Spence wrote about The Great Power of Ignorance and The Joy of Senility.
Earlier in the week, I had lunch with Scott Greenfield and we talked about a lot of things, and people, Barry, Peter and Science. I met Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld quite a few years ago in New York, and we talked about the Innocence Project starting an Innocence Blog.
Adrian Dayton writes a guest column for Above the Law: Have Law Blogs Failed to Live Up to Their Expectations? Biglaw Firms Weigh In. Adrian and his wife @NatalieDayton, as he calls her, joined Tim Baran and me for breakfast in New York this past weekend.
When Travel Days Go Wrong: How to Sleep Safely and Comfortably in Public
Lena Kozlova commented: Thank you for this very useful post. I have researched this issue a while ago - I'm starting a 6-months trip around Asia, with lots of flights by low cost airlines, which have some ridiculous schedules. I ran into a great site: It's dedicated to sleeping in airports only, but it has some cool ideas that can be applied to sleeping in public in general.We Slept on the Floor at JFK Last Night, Thanks to Weather and the Tarmac Delay Law
Blawg Review has information about future hosts, and instructions how to get your blawg posts reviewed in upcoming issues.
Afterword: The Friday, September 24, 2010 edition of On the Moneyed Midways, where each week they round up best posts in each of the best of the week's money and business blog carnivals, takes note of the final edition of the Carnival of Trust, which we hosted here on Blawg Review.
It's the final edition of the Carnival of Trust as we've known it - hands down, the best of the business or money-related carnival we review regularly and the source of many of the posts we declared to be The Best Post of the Week, Anywhere! We're going to break from form and simply recommend you visit the carnival and click through to all the contributed posts. It is, as it has always been, a rewarding experience!Afterward: The Editor of Blawg Review continues his "all you can jet" adventure on JetBlue, crisscrossing the country this week for a series of meetups with friends and followers of this carnival of law bloggers in Chicago on Monday, San Fransisco on Wednesday, and Boston on Saturday, before heading to Las Vegas on Sunday for a few days of rest and relaxation. In my travels this month, I've met with some of the many law bloggers who have hosted Blawg Review over the past years, including Craig Williams, Denise Howell, Stephanie West Allen, Scott Greenfield, and Adrian Dayton. Today, I'm in Chicago for lunch with the host of this past year's Blawg Review of the Year 2009, Kevin Thompson. On Friday, I'm circling back through Chicago to go to a Blackhawks game with Dave Donoghue. Who knows who else we'll meet on this adventure?
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