LegalTech New York 2009

Blawg Review #197 is hosted on Legal Blog Watch this week by John Bringardner from LegalTech New York, where thousands have gathered at the Hilton New York Hotel for some of the the most important legal technology events of the year.
Things got underway, Monday, with a well-attended session on Twitter for the legal community, with @kevinokeefe, @matthomamm, and @chriswinfield on a panel moderated by Incisive Media's @monicabay, the editor of Law Technology News.
By the way, you can follow everyone who's tweeting about LegalTech on LexTweet and by searching Twitter for the hashtag #LTNY.
At the Bloggers Breakfast, Tuesday, I'm looking forward to meeting many attending this conference whom we've come to know so well by their blogging and through the community of law bloggers involved in Blawg Review over the past four years.
I'll update this post later today with a report on who met there and what we found interesting.
In the meantime, perhaps I'll just tweet about it @blawgreview.
I was sitting in on a session this morning, "Five Things You Should Know About Web 2.0 Technology". Throughout that session, coincidentally, I was positioned at the back of the room between @kevinokeefe and @turkewitz, who have recently expressed their strong opposing views about Twitter on their blogs...awwwkwaaaaard!!!
Anyway, this afternoon we're going back for "Best Practices in Social Networking" and later in the day, "Adopting Web 2.0 Capabilities Into Your Web Presence". Meetup with us there, if you're attending LegalTech. Maybe a fight will break out. ;-)
Interestingly, John Bringardner, the host of Blawg Review #197 used his position of influence and the power of the digital press at Incisive Media to republish this week's Blawg Review as part of his article headlined "LegalTech New York 2009 Blogs On" that is featured on the front page of That's got to be good for Blawg Review and the many great law bloggers including in this week's presentation. Good idea, John, nicely done!
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