LA's Dopest Attorney
Whatever happened to Ellen Feiss, the student whose hilarious switch commercial for Apple Computer in 2002 made her an instant celebrity? Did she get a new G4 and go on to law school? Well, no actually. Ellen went to France to evade the obsessive fans on, and only recently showed up in a starring role in a new movie, Bed and Breakfast.
In a parallel universe, Ellen Feiss might have gone to law school , if this commercial by LA's dopest attorney is a good example of just how far a Mac user can go when encouraged by her father to stay in school.
Allison Margolin went from Columbia to Harvard and graduated in 2002. She's the daughter of Bruce Margolin, the director of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, also an attorney. As a criminal defense attorney, Bruce M. Margolin has successfully defended thousands of clients, including such notables as Dr. Timothy Leary, in all types of cases from marijuana to murder.
Bruce Margolin was a candidate for Governor of California in the 2003 recall and was one of the top vote-getters among 135 candidates for the governorship, on a platform of legalizing marijuana as a way to help solve the state’s budget crisis. Allison Margolin ran for city council in Beverly Hills on a platform to "legalize the growing of marijuana locally" -- what was she smokin'?
Allison Margolin is a criminal defense attorney. Advertisments for her law practice are published in CityBeat and other alternative weeklies and city directories like this:
Law Office of Allison Margolin Criminal Defense Attorneys Attorneys & Legal Services in Beverly Hills, CAThe 28-year-old Harvard Law grad was described in a recent article in the Daily Journal, as follows:
All Ivy League Attorney
Harvard Law Graduate, Columbia Undergraduate
Expert in Drug Law
Assistance in Warrant Recall
Harvard law and affordable
LA's "Dopest Attorney"!
Statistics state that over 100,000.00 are in jail for drugs and or drugs use.
Renown as "The Expert" in drug lawAllison is an all Ivy League attorney graduating from Harvard. Accepted in 9th circuit court of appeals. With the expertise in all criminal defenses from marijuana to murder. Clients confirm that Allison has heart and cares about her client to go over and beyond to help in their defense.
My passion focuses on the defense of those facing charges of drug use or possession, murder or prostitution as well as other crimes.
Petite, spunky and - unless she's in court - dressed in hip Los Angeles casual clothes, Margolin's physical appearance is a stark contrast to the defendants she represents in prostitution and drug cases. Although she's dressed conservatively in the photo appearing in her ad, the shot conveys a subtle sultriness that sometimes attracts exactly the wrong type of client. "I don't know if they think I'm, like, a masseuse on the side," she says. "I get some weird calls." But something must be working. So far, she's handled five jury trials - winning four and resolving one out of court. At any given moment, Allison is juggling about 30 cases.Her new blog, Allison's Wonderland, has only a few posts so far. But, if her video offers any clues as to what to expect from this law blogger, she's definitely one to watch.
This blawg review was written as objectively as possible, and without any intention whatsoever to harsh anyone's mellow.
Update: Allison Margolin is described as star-struck, young and unorthodox, but also Ivy League, savvy and successful in an article titled "A Law Unto Herself" in in the LA Times on 08/22/06
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